Reposted from HR Network News

Learning with is a new feature in HR Network News to offer you quick learning tips for use in the workplace. Each video is only a few minutes in length, and is intended to help you pick up a few tips on a specific subject. UBC employees have free access to – visit for more information.

Find yourself in repetitive Outlook tasks? Follow the same 5 steps for about 50% of your new emails? Save yourself time and make repetitive tasks simpler by utilizing the Quick Steps feature in Outlook. Watch this short video to learn how to set up and use your own Outlook Quick Steps to trigger sequences of events such as forwarding messages to pre-identified people, moving emails to a specific folder, or creating a pre-populated meeting request.

Outlook tutorial video

(you will be prompted to login with your CWL. Select the video title for one-time viewing or select copy playlist to your account for future reference.)

What creative ways can you implement Quick Steps in your daily Outlook tasks? We’d love to hear in the comments below!

Learn more great tips for using Outlook in the full course: Outlook 2013 Essential Training (3h 6m)

Other UBC Resources for Outlook

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