MOA Panorama

It always seems like campus is in a perpetual state of construction – especially so when our own building is being renovated! One of the best ways to work through the inconvenience though is to learn more about what the end product will be!

There are many specific plans in place for developing our campus, including not only building new spaces, but also the adjustment of old ones.

Check out the Campus planĀ Design Guidelines here. You’ll be able to find out more information on what is expected. Some highlights include:

  • Plans for re-aligning Student Union Boulevard to match up with the front door of Irving K Barber
  • Recommendations have been made for the improvement of the Bosque and porch areas between Brock Hall, the old SUB and the Nest
  • Specific information on the new Bus Exchange
  • Plans for MacInnes field
  • And much more!!!