The quiet days of summer are behind us and our campuses are buzzing with excitement and first day jitters.

The first week of school is an exciting time for students as well as Enrolment Services. Despite the rain, both students and staff enjoyed the day and took part in a number of activities on the Vancouver campus.

Students lined up in our newly renovated space to pay their tuition and get help from the ESPs.

Fist day line-up

ESPs handed out floats to grateful students.

Free floats!

Staff checked out the clubs and freebies at The Main Event.  A couple of staff members were even spotted on a club’s Facebook page. FAMOUS.

Who could that be?

A big thank you goes out to all Enrolment Services staff on both campuses. Regardless of how you spent the first days of term, your efforts have made all the difference in helping students find their way and sustain excitement on campus.