Coffee Talk with Ashley Elchuk

Enrolment Services is a large department stretching across two campuses. Many of us work with a handful of people on a regular basis, and while we may know these colleagues fairly well, there are many other people in ES that we know little about, personally or professionally.

In an effort to get to know our colleagues better, we are launching a new series where we will share an interview with at least one ES staff member per month.

If you’d like to nominate a colleague to be featured in our ‘Coffee Talk’  series, tell us in the comments below, or email your ES Connected unit rep.

Hi Ashley. You are the lucky first interviewee for the new ‘Coffee Talk’ series. Congratulations! To begin, please tell us about your role in Enrolment Services.

I’m the Human Resources Coordinator for ES in Vancouver, and I also lend some support to Okanagan folks here and there.

In contrast to central HR advisory services, I am dedicated to ES. Central have portfolios consisting of multiple clients and mainly deal with issues of employee relations and personnel management and sit over in TEF III, where as I do more staff programming and take care of initiatives related to staff experience and sit right here in Brock Hall! 

Can you give us an example of something central HR does that you don’t do?

Central HR works with units on performance management, collective agreements, and other university-wide initiatives. I liaise with Central on those issues with the lens of ES (whereas they look at it through university-wide lens). I work with central HR regularly to ensure our work is in-line and consistent with university-wide standards.

What might a day at work look like for you? 

One of the things I enjoy about my job is everyday is different. I might be meeting with Annie or other managers on initiatives they need me for; working on ES Connected or the Wellness Afternoon; depending on time of year, other initiatives; helping with recruitment; supporting SASI on recruitment and HR needs. I support managers with  advising on compensation and evaluation, job description review, connecting with central advising, interpretation of collective agreements, best practices. I also am a resource to staff for any concerns they have about their work or the department.

How can you help staff in Enrolment Services?

I consider myself to be the customer service person for staff. If you have a concern please call me, email me, or visit me in my office in the basement of Brock Hall, just outside meeting room 0067. I can help:

  • Answer general employment questions
  • Clarify terms around employment policy and procedures, including compensation and job descriptions and related processes
  • Help provide support around concerns about relationship with colleagues
  • Provide coaching or support around your workplace experience.

If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. Pop by, send me an email or give me a call (604-822-0202). If I don’t have the answer or skill, I will find the right connection for you. I’m also a Positive Space resource person.

How did you get started in HR?

My background in HR is mainly in not-for-profit organizations. My first HR role was at the Rick Hansen Foundation where I was an HR Assistant while still a UBC undergrad. I was there for 5 years before moving over to the YWCA Metro Vancouver. I worked at the YWCA for 3 years as an HR Coordinator. I always wanted to be back at UBC though and jumped at the opportunity to work here.

What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type (MBTI)*?

I’m an ENTJ (The Commander), and I feel it accurately depicts my personality type, and captures my drive, optimism, and belief that any goal is attainable given the right resources. I promise I’m not quite so cold and calculated as many ENTJ descriptions portray though. 🙂

* If you are interested in finding out which of the 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types describes you, complete the free online assessment at or

What’s something we might be surprised to learn about you?

People might be surprised to learn that I do dialogue transcription for TV and movies. Because the transcription for closed captioning needs to be done before the film or TV show is released, I get an unfinished cut of the tape. It’s the same cut that special effects get so there is some crucial missing pieces like sound effects and props. It can be pretty entertaining at times.

I’ve transcribed TV shows such as Continuum and Love It Or List It Vancouver. I mostly do Hallmark-channel made-for-TV movies so those names aren’t as recognizable, but some of them include Preggoland and Afflicted. 

baby Ashley's big hair
Killing it in the hair department since 1993.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

While was in my undergrad in third year, I was doing a presentation on the challenges around construction zones for individuals with mobility impairments, and halfway through I passed out! All I remember is my mouth feeling dry and my head getting a little fuzzy and next thing I know, I’m waking up to the sound of people chatting and wondering, “Why are there so many strangers in my bedroom!” Thankfully my best friend was on campus that day and was able to drive me home afterwards. The good news is I never did have to finish that presentation and still got a good grade in the class! 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I grew up in Surrey and moved to Vancouver just over 2 years ago, so I love to take advantage of everything the ‘big city’ has to offer. I love going to improv and sketch comedy shows and I’m a closet entertainment wrestling fan. You can often find me at Vancouver Theatresports League shows for improv and other various venues around town watching WWE and ECCW (Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling). 

One final question for you on my favourite topic. Where are you going on your next vacation?

My younger sister got the free-spirit genes and moved to Mexico almost four years ago so I spend most of my vacation time going to visit her there. She lives in Playa Del Carmen, which is 40 minutes outside of Cancun. I’m heading down there in September with my parents for just over 2 weeks. Stay tuned for photos of my inevitable sunburn!

Thanks for telling us more about yourself and your role, Ashley!

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