This post was submitted by Cathie Beevers, Student Recruiter-Advisor!

Your friendly neighbourhood Student Recruitment and Advising team is proud to have hosted another successful Destination UBC event at the Okanagan campus over the May 11-13 weekend.

Beginning with an Indigenous Welcome on Thursday and concluding around midday Sunday, the event hosted approximately 400 travel students (bussing, flying, or driving in from across BC and Canada) and more than 300 locals for an immersive experience meant to showcase all that Kelowna and the Okanagan campus have to offer! There were chemistry shows, advising sessions, lip-sync battles, and bike rides. There were escape rooms, yoga sessions, trips downtown, and faculty overviews. And because we mentioned coffee in one of our former posts, there was a lot of that too – especially for the staff!

Suffice to say, there was a whole lot, and there were a whole lot of happy prospective students. Many of them remarked that this event “sealed the deal” for them and that they will be accepting their offers to UBCO. A success all around!