Typing at desk
Image courtesy of sixninepixels / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Recently I attended the Ergo Office Rep training session held by UBC Human Resources.  My intention was to become our department’s Ergo Office Rep (yes Admissions, I’m all yours!) so that I could learn more about ergonomics in order to create healthy work habits for both myself and my colleagues.  I learned so much and now I’m ready to share my knowledge with you!

Quick Sit Down Checklist:

  1. Your feet should always be firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Your knees should be bent at 90 to 110 degrees.
  3. The lumbar support on your chair should fit the curve of your lower back (adjust height of back seat on chair if not).
  4. There should be a 2-4 finger width between the front edge of your seat and the back of your knees.
  5. If you have frequent lower back pain, tilt your seat pan forward so your hips are above your knees (this position can feel awkward but it really helps!).
  6. Arm rests should support elbow at 90 degrees without limiting access to your desk or keyboard tray.
  7. Monitor Height should be so that the top of the screen is at eye level (your eyes should be looking slightly down when you watch what you are typing – this prevents your eyes from drying out!).
  8. Monitor should be approximately an arm length’s away (larger monitors should be pushed further back).
  9. Ensure you have lots of leg clearance.
  10. Frequently used items should be in arm’s reach.

There are many other small things you can be doing that can make a big difference.  Want to learn more?  You can attend a Computer Workstation Set-up Tutorial, contact your office’s Ergo Rep for a personal assessment or become an Office Ergo Representative yourself!

Happy Spring, Happy Health 🙂