Written in collaboration with Carrie Karsgaard, Terra Kershaw & Erin Shannon

The Tube’s very own Tori Palynchuk

Ask anyone in the Tube about our local fashion guru, and “Tori” will be the universal response.  While the rest of us are rotating through our closet standbys, Tori brings style and personality to our office – from bold statement jewellery to oversized scarves.

Having moved around a lot throughout her life, Tori learned to recognize the value of dressing stylishly in order to make a good first impression.  She communicates herself through her personal style: conservative, feminine and bohemian.  And she encourages others to find the style that’s right for them – as long as it doesn’t include sweatpants. 

“It’s just as easy to wear a real pair of pants as a pair of sweatpants.  Don’t wear sweatpants – except in the confines of your own home.”

Though she confesses that her closet is mostly black-and-white, her style includes distressed boyfriend jeans, moto-style, and – if she’s headed to Vancouver for a couple of days – a pair of tall boots to soak up the rain.

She’s always conscious of developing her repertoire, faithfully trolling Pinterest, taking sartorial notes on the street, and picking up ideas from friends. She also keeps a mental wish-list with an eye for closet-development, making a conscious effort to buy things for life – not just for work.

“Wear what you like!”

At the end of the day, Tori ignores the fashion advice of people who don’t like her taste – and encourages others to do the same.  She sees space for everyone to express themselves, consider comfort, and work with what looks good in the moment (as long as sweatpants aren’t on the menu).

Brock Hall eternal trendsetter: Luke Dawson

“I just wear whatever’s clean really…”

Sipping a latte on the cold but sunny patio Luke described his style as classy with an 80’s edge. Rolled sleeves, thin ties and lapels, and well-fitting tapered pants are pieces he chooses for his work looks.

Luke has become a well-known name in Brock Hall for having amazing style and always looking great. Fall layers, he says, allow him to fully indulge in his style. Jackets, slacks and collared shirts are his basics, but when he applies a bit of character to his dapper looks by adding details like bow ties, suspenders or even an ascot, these stylish yet creative facets bring Luke’s style from simple and classic to fashion forward.

It’s the details in his style that make his looks shine; sky blue socks compliment his subtly blue/grey slacks; the band of his classic large face wristwatch accent his tobacco brown leather Derby’s perfectly; he may not know exactly how he does it, but he makes it look so easy.

“My choice of what to wear is very dependent on who I am interacting with that day.”

Whether it is the daily grind or a night out downtown, Luke tries for a look that is dressed up without being overdressed. He says he doesn’t take it too seriously and that dressing up to run errands is just not his style. Luke listens to his friends when hoping to avoid fashion faux-pas. Breaking up a suit into its pieces and wearing them separately can be risky, so he consulted a close friend before pulling this look off. What was once a chic and simple grey two piece suit with lapel detail became a retro-inspired day look when he paired the jacket with slacks of a different colour. It is these risks that make Luke a trend setter in ES.

University Centre, Third Floor Style Guru: Andrea Burke

Maybe it will be a sweater with a fox designed shawl knit around the neck line, chevron print heels, leopard print flats, socks with a face or a sweater/dress with cats, yes we said cats – Andrea Burke is the University Centre third floor style guru (a title that until now she nor us knew she was in the running for). Obviously time for the rest of us to step up our game.


Her style – Always changing!  In the summer it is a bit more boho but in the winter it is more classic. 

“My friends influence my style with their opinions when I’m having a hard time and they most definitely influence my credit card balance”

Style comes usually in the 10 minute panic before running out the door for work, but on other days her outfits are decided the night before or inspired from something seen in a magazine.  The final decision usually comes down to how she feels when she wakes up and of course the weather and other plans that day – snow, 40 degrees, walking on campus or plans after work. When deciding on the pieces in her outfit for our photo shoot Andrea followed the approach of many women.

“How much black can I get away with wearing?”

Mixing metals is in for jewellery right now and I personally like mixing prints and chunky necklaces.  Black is always in!

For the Kelowna locals and shoppers alike, Andrea recommends “Blonde in Kelowna, Zara, Aritzia, Michael Kors and I shop Winners, Jo Fresh and Forever 21 for inexpensive trendier items that I might only wear for one season”.  For those heading out to spice up their style, keep an eye on the price and whether or not the items are trendy or will last for years.  With age comes wisdom and Andrea now even keeps in mind whether or not she actually likes the trend before she buys.