Who: Jessica Iverson

Unit: Senate & Curriculum Services

Position: Associate Academic Governance Officer

Since: June 2014

Job Specifics: Jessica provides secretariat support for the academic governance of the University.

Professional: Jessica comes to Enrolment Services from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, where she was the Graduate Curriculum Coordinator. Prior to UBC she worked as an office manager at a financial planning firm (“no thanks”) and as a store manager and buyer at a specialty shoe boutique (“yes please”).

Personal: Jessica is an avid collector of hairstyles (averages one a month), tattoos (lost count) and shoes (see: professional background). She was married in a doughnut shop in Portland, Oregon (legally) by a man in a panda bear suit (actually). Jessica’s spirit plant is the cactus, her spirit food the doughnut (see: wedding location), and her spirit animal the lishargle (head of a lion, body of a shark, wings of an eagle). She and her husband, Chad, are the proud “parents” of two “children,” Rick and Wu (cats). She loves yoga, reading, proper grammar, the CBC and going to bed early. Jessica vows to leave no joke untold

Did you hear the one about the corduroy pillow? It’s making headlines…,

and always has time for a good pun. Actually, she has time for bad puns too. Jessica’s job is the most serious thing about her.

hooray for marriage
Hooray for marriage! Jessica’s wedding day.
cabbage patch kid
Cabbage patch kid.
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Hugz with Wu (black) and Rick (white).