Guest post by Colin Hearne, Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) Assistant, Health, Wellbeing & Benefits At UBC summer time can be the perfect time for reflection. The campus becomes a little quieter, there are less faces around the campus, and often we can start planning for the coming academic year. But sometimes, this time of year can be a little overwhelming. At UBC, employees have access to the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) – a fantastic benefit with a wide range of services, from counselling to health and wellness support. Our EFAP provider, Homewood Health, has comprehensive Counselling, Plansmart, Health Management and Career Smart Counselling services.  Alongside these services are also a wide range of e-courses and an extensive online Health Library for UBC staff and faculty and their dependents to access. Some examples of these are:

E-Learning Courses

  • Taking Control of Stress
  • Taking Control of Your Mood
  • Embracing Workplace Change
  • Taking Control of Job Loss and Transition
  • Taking Control of Anger
  • Taking Control of Your Career
  • Respect in the Workplace

Health Library

  • Trauma, Crisis, and Distressing Events
  • Workplace Issues
  • Relationships and Social Connections
  • Mental and Emotional Health
  • Healthy Living and Self-Improvement

Accessing the EFAP Health Library and E-Courses

Accessing the online services is easy. All you need to do is visit the Homewood Health website , enter ‘University of British Columbia’ as your employer; and register some basic details to automatically gain access to the in-depth members’ only range of e-services

Want to know more?

For more information on your Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) click here


Remember, the information you share with UBC’s EFAP provider is confidential between you and Homewood Health, and will not be shared with UBC. The University is not told the identity of those using EFAP services, including online services.