Maureen at BoudinWho: Maureen Bailey
Unit:  Undergraduate Admissions on the Vancouver Campus
Position: Admissions Coordinator
Since:  December 2013
Job Specifics:  Post-Secondary team member for coordinating applications. Document interpreting, updating, evaluating and acknowledging. Communications, research and administration.

Meet Maureen

With the exception of living in Ontario for a few years as a child, Maureen was born and raised in Vancouver.  She was the baby of the family, growing up with one brother and one sister.  Once Maureen finished high school she attended UVIC and later transferred over to UBC where she finished a degree in Political Science.  After Maureen finished her degree she worked as a Philanthropy Coordinator at the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Making a Difference

Shortly after, Maureen decided she wanted to see more of the world.  She accepted two volunteering positions, one which took her to Sri Lanka where she lived for several weeks and worked with a National Olympic Committee.  From Sri Lanka Maureen headed and over to South Africa for two months to work with Keisamma Trust, a health initiative and educational project founded in a rural community of the Eastern Cape.  Maureen’s focus was primarily on AIDS, maternal care and TB in the area, supporting the administration and fundraising projects of the campaign.

Home Sweet Home

Maureen came back to Canada earlier this summer and dove back in to UBC, accepting an interim position with UBC Recreation prior to coming to Admissions.  I joked with Maureen, telling her she had something special with UBC Recreation.  She responded by saying, “I do.  I met my (now) fiancé there!” Busy with wedding planning and new adventures ahead, Maureen is excited for 2014 and to be our new addition to the Undergraduate Admissions Team.

Maureen’s Top Three:

Maureen baking


Maureen loves all things food!  She especially loves to bake (I’ve tried her pecan squares and I will assure you, she can bake!) and admits she loves trying new recipes courtesy of Martha Stewart or her new cookbook from Vancouver’s local restaurant Burgoo  (one of her favourites).


Movie quoting is one of Maureen’s favourite pastimes and a typical rainy Vancouver day is the perfect setting for her to get caught up on all new (and old) releases.  Maureen loves a cozy afternoon at home, wrapped up in a blanket with a good book or watching a good film.  Well Maureen, there really is no place like home.


Maureen tells me she and her fiancé are the youngest folks in her community (Oakridge area).  However, this boded well for the two when Maureen struck up a conversation with her potential (now current) landlady, agreeing with her that there would be plenty of space to have a hobby.  Maureen used to be a part of an after school club and recently took up quilting again.  She loves the quilt making process and enjoys the small, intricate details of every stitch.  Maureen, your attention to detail will come in handy here!