Introducing Derry!


Breed: Chihuahua
Age: 10 years old
Owner: Cicy Guimond

Favourite thing about Derry: He’s super awkward. Sometimes he begs to go to the dog beach, but when we get there, he ignores the other dogs and sits next to me on a log. I made a tumblr account to capture his silly antics.  I’ve taken so many pictures of him that he now actually turns away as soon as someone brings out a camera.

Canucks Derry

derpy derryDerry’s favourite pastime: Derry likes to spy on the neighbours. Even when the blinds are closed, he manages to make an opening to take a peek outside.

DerryDerry in a suit

Interesting fact about Derry:  He is a huge glutton. One time he got into the closet where his kibble is kept and ate probably his own weight in dog food.  Afterward he couldn’t jump on the couch and just laid on the floor with a swollen belly… until the next morning when he tried to get into the closet again.