The Grand Council of the Crees (DGM Module 1-4)

This website serves as a central online location for all information having to do with the Cree peoples of Quebec and Ontario. As such, it has the potential to be a personal learning tool for both Cree and outsiders. While not overly interactive, the site does its best to present information about Cree traditions, history, spirituality, etc. through the use of photographs, some video, and short narratives. Culture is a thing to be preserved here, but not as a historical artefact. The short narratives concerning Cree traditions all show how those traditions, such as a strong connection to ‘the bush’, are being lived and are vital to the Cree identity.

Amongst the many links and resources available on the site are the following educational links:

Cree/ Aboriginal Education and Culture

This last link, to the University of Tromsø, is quite intriguing – I’m curious to discover what similarities there may be between the Cree and Sámi peoples.



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