Mod 4 – Post #2 – Indigenization Framework

Indigenization Framework – BC Curriculum

The growing concern about ensuring our Aboriginal students’ educational needs have been met is an ongoing theme in this course and our futures. The introduction to this framework papger states that “Aboriginal students now make up 10% or more of school populations in many school districts” (p.2). Some concerns that many communities are facing is the introduction of literacy into oral societies, maintaining cultural identity within a group/nation in the classroom, and maintaining an image of the behaviours, beliefs, values and norms (culture) within a nation/community. Also, most communities recognize that literacy provides a powerful means for individuals to participate in society. Many remote communities have problems accessing programs as they are remote and are reluctant to leave their communities or the community cannot fund them to leave. Other problems related to that are problems hiring and retaining instructors to live in the remote communities. Technology is recognized as a wonderful tool if people have access to it. This paper is very long with a lot of information. I recommend browsing it for some tips on Indigenizing the curriculum, especially in areas of literacy,

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