Module 2- Post 3: Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies

Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies

This online book that is published by Monash University served as gentle reminder of the power of the internet and the objectives of this blog within the context or this course. The book is the result of a 2009 conference of the same name. It was the third international conference in a series of partnerships between the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements (MISGM) and Monash South Africa. It looked at the pressing challenges facing education systems – Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. These countries have considerable underlying similarities, including colonial settlement histories, multicultural societies, and separate dualistic pockets of poverty and affluence. This provides a wealth of information for educator and stakeholders who are looking for solutions for the problems associated with the education of indigenous people. Below are the links that I preferred but the entire book can be a useful resource.

Section 1:The scope and substance of marginalisation in education

  1. Challenges and Opportunities in Australian Indigenous Education

  2. My Story Should Not Be Unusual: The Education of an Australian Aboriginal Girl

  3. Scholastic Heritage and Success in School Mathematics

Section 2:The structure and entrenchment of disadvantage

  1. Old Gaps are Closing, New Gaps are Opening

  2. Two Orientations to Education System Reform:Australian and South African Politics of Remaking ‘the Social’

Section 3: The challenges facing Indigenous education

  1. Indigenous Australians as ‘No Gaps’ Subjects:Education and Development in Remote Australia

  2. Closing the Gap in Education by Addressing the Education Debt in New Zealand

  3. If This Is Your Land, How Do You Teach Your Stories?:The Politics of ‘Anthologising’ Indigenous Writing in Australia

  4. Beyond the ‘Digital Divide’ : Engaging with New Technologies in Marginalised Educational Settings in Australia

Section 4: Enhancing social justice and equity

  1. Stronger Smarter Approaches to Indigenous Leadership in Australia

  2. Redressing Marginalisation: A Study of Pedagogies for Teaching Mathematics in a Remote Australian Indigenous Community

  3. Marginalisation of Education Through Performativity in South Africa

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