Module 2 Post 4 Saving Culture TREMBLAY

The current state of the internet has the affect of amalgamating and democratizing information. This means that information consumers, can utilize this environment with an expectation of a level playing field for all opinions and sources of information.

Do Globalization and subsequent neoliberal economics care about culture? While Colonialism regarded new and different cultures as a subversive and dangerous threat, Neo-Liberalists approach opposing cultures with a slightly more practical but no less destructive mindset. In their approach, profitable sections of the culture define usefulness and necessitate amalgamation and hybridization into the Neo-Liberal ideal. In contrast Colonialism always clearly defined the pure from “other” or savage and exploited the latter’s beliefs and prejudices in order to assert dominance. Neo-Liberalism instead incorporates what it deems important/profitable, and discards the rest creating a lumbering and ravenous Frankenstein that will never be able to define itself completely.

An example of the pros and cons of Neo-liberal economic incorporation:

The dangers of the neoliberal agenda infiltrating what it deem to be “useful” cultures. In this case LGBT:

Put simply, Neo-liberalism cares about culture, but only so far as the benefits can be utilized to enhance the movement and subsequent profit margins. Everything else is treated as irrelevant and as such is discarded which is where the real danger for the weakened First Nations cultures exists.

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