Module 2 – Weblog 4 – St. Joseph’s: An Overview

Weblog (Mod 2 – WL4)

This website is a brief overview of the Williams Lake residential school a.k.a St. Joseph’s Mission.

The school opened in 1886 and operated until 1981, a span of 96 years.  Therefore, it is very safe to assume that many families in this region were deeply affected and many families had more than one relative attend.  My neighbour’s mother was a student at this school.  The stories I have heard are absolutely heart-wrenching.

I do know that 23 counts of sexual abuse were laid against three individuals at the school, including Bishop Hubert O’Connor.  However, that will need to be researched further to find corroborating evidence.  It does speak volumes to the types of atrocities faced there.  In addition, hair was cut and clothes changed upon arrival at the school.  Families were also cut apart according to gender.  Parent visitation was not allowed, children were allowed one month per summer off.  It is also alleged (not in this documentation, but in others I have found) that if Native tongue was spoken it resulted in serious beatings.

At the height of capacity, in the 1950s the school had over 300 students.  Things were so deplorable that 2 boys committed suicide and 8 attempted.  There are reported grave sites on the school site as under the foundation of a tunnel structure, which gives credence to claims that more deaths occurred during the school’s tenure.


I don’t think I will use this website in my project, but it did provide some very interesting background.  Moreover, realizing the size of the school and its years of operation, so much of the Cariboo must be touched by this tragedy.


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