Category Archives: Module 2

Final Project: Using technology and online learning to increase education levels and employment opportunities for remote first nation communities.

Module 2 Post 2, Final Project Focus Area

I came across a paper titled Connecting Aboriginal Learners in Remote Communities: An Online Social Work Course when searching for a topic for my final project. The article mentioned that the aboriginal “students enjoyed the experience [of the online course] and found the method of learning and the computer skills gained to be useful.”

I decided to look further into this topic of online learning and found an excellent article titled: Ready, Willing, And Able: Prospects For Distance Learning In Canada’s First Nations Community. The below passage inspired me to focus on this topic for my final project.

“The educational attainment levels of First Nations people in Canada lags behind that of mainstream society. Because many reserves are in rural or remote areas, attending postsecondary institutions has meant leaving the community. However, advances in information technologies and distance education program delivery mean that First Nations people can obtain postsecondary educational credentials without having to leave their home communities.”

With increased education comes increased employment opportunities, therefore the focus for my final project will be:

Using technology and online learning to Increase education levels and employment opportunities for remote first nation communities.


Hick, S. (2008). Connecting Aboriginal Learners in Remote Communities: An Online Social Work Course. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 20:3-4,267-281. Retrieved from:

Voyageur, C. (2001). Ready, Willing, And Able: Prospects For Distance Learning In Canada’s First Nations Community. The Journal of Distance Education, VOL. 16, No. 1, 102-112. Retrieved from:


Greg Campbell

Shannen’s Dream

Module 2 post 1

When researching topics for my final project I came across this website The story is a very powerful one about a young Attawapiskat First Nation student named Shannen Koostachin who advocated for “safe and comfy schools and culturally based education for First Nations children and youth”. Tragically, Shannen passed  away in a car accident in 2010 before she could see her dream of a proper school in Attawapiskat being build. However, her dream lives on. The website provides lots of resources on first nation education and the below YouTube Video is very moving and provides information on Shannen’s story.


Greg Campbell