Category Archives: Module 3

CMEC on Aboriginal Education titled – Strengthening Aboriginal Success.

Module 3 Post 1

The below link is to the summary report by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) on Aboriginal Education titled – Strengthening Aboriginal Success.

The report outlines how Ministers of education and of Aboriginal affairs; First Nations, Métis, and Inuit leaders; and federal government officials came together in Saskatoon to discuss and the topic of how to improve and strengthen education for Aboriginal students to narrow the gap in academic achievement between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Canadians and non-Aboriginal Canadians.

The report discusses Learn Canada 2020, “a declaration aimed at improving education systems, learning opportunities, and overall education outcomes across Canada. Through Learn Canada 2020, “ministers of education recognize the direct link between a well-educated population and a socially progressive, sustainable society.”

 Some of the themes at the Summit where

 • Strengthening Aboriginal Language and Culture

• Enhancing Equity in Funding

• Increasing Access, Retention, and Graduation (postsecondary

education and adult learning)

• Sharing Responsibility and Accountability

• Planning for Transitions: Seamless Systems for Learners

• Reporting and Benchmarking Success: Data

• Providing Programs and Services

• Engaging All Partners in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Education


 Greg Campbell