Tag Archives: coyote and raven

Mod 4 – Post #4 – Another Coyote Story

Coyote Goes to School:

We read about the Raven and Coyote earlier in this course. I enjoy reading these pieces as they seem to shed light on issues by bringing them to the surface in a sarcastic manner. This particular story is about Coyote reflecting on his experience of university. The Native Studies courses that Coyote enrolled in were all taught by white males who used books that were written by dead white males. Coyote’s realization at the end of his experience is quite ironic – “Finally I figured it out. If white guys teach all the courses about Indians and they teach in the way that white people think and learn, then to find Indians teaching the way Indians think and learn, all I had to do was quit Native Studies and sign up for the White Studies program!”

I recommend the quick read for an Indigenous perspective of mainstream education.
