Tag Archives: savage

Mod 2 – Post #2 – Indigenous Nationhood – blog

This is an interesting blog written by Pam Palmater, a lawyer and professor in Toronto. What stood out to me was one particular entry discussing the new descriptor “terrorist” for First Nations people (“From Savages to Terrorists: Justifying Genocide of First Nations”). She has many posts and links to external references. I recommend browsing her blog for another perspective.

Here is a quote from the Savages blog entry:

“Historically, First Nations were viewed as “primitive” and “savages”. Even today, academics like Flanagan continue to promote that view of us.  It is no longer acceptable to call us savages, so the new word is terrorist – a word used to justify a whole series of unjustified enforcement and military actions against our people. As far as the military is concerned, they are at “war” with us.”


