Indigenous Elders and Youth Council

The Indigenous Elders and Youth Council (IEYC) is an organization that aims to protect and preserve Indigenous knowledge, language and culture. It looks like DVD clips and additional resources are planned for upload to the site shortly. In the meantime, it was interesting to read through the elder declarations (based on the outcomes of the 2004 International Indigenous Elders Summit), and goals of the group. While there is not a ton of information on the site, I thought it was worth sharing as it appears to be an interesting project that connects youth and elders with a set of common goals and objectives.

October 16, 2010   No Comments

Elders’ voices

The Elders’ Voices webpage is a product of The Heritage Community Foundation. While it focuses on aboriginal cultures and elders in Alberta, it contains a wealth of knowledge applicable to any province. The site is divided into 3 sections: The History, The Peoples, and The Voices. In the history section you will find information on the treaty areas of Alberta, the Metis, and Aboriginal Governance, among other topics. In the peoples section, there is an article containing some background and insights on Elders, called “Knowledge Keepers” ( Finally, in the voices section there are a number links to media featuring audio and video of elders sharing their perspective on a variety of topics ( This site is good if you are interested in looking at the roles and responsibilities of aboriginal elders.

October 16, 2010   No Comments