A3 Venture Pitch: Just-in-Time Learning meets Analytics
I would like to introduce you all to Pendo, an incredible communications, learning guides tool, with incredible learning analytics for all software. I have worked in the software learning field for the past 8 years, and this tool is revolutionary because it allows you to: >>Open Venture Pitch Video and Demonstration<<
Week 11 – Coding Revolution
Hello and welcome to our OER on Coding in Education! Before engaging with our OER, please complete our Pre Knowledge Survey. Access our OER, reading through the sections and completing embedded activities along the way. When you are finished, complete our Post Knowledge Survey and address 1-2 of the following discussion prompts below (on WordPress): […]
Analyzing Axonify
Axonify is a employee learning platform valued at nearly $250 million. Axonify is a Canadian startup company from the Kitchener-Waterloo area and is known for being innovative and disruptive in the world of workplace learning. You can review my full report on Axonify, and why I believe they are worth the investment. View Axonify Analyst […]
Darren Winterford: Workplace Learning
“Changing the way the world learns at work” Darren Winterford, Founder & CEO at EdApp (via Linkedin) Founder: Darren Winterford Darren Winterford is the Founder and CEO of EdApp, ” a cloud-based training platform dedicated to offering innovative, low-cost, mobile-first learning to workplaces across the globe” (Winterford, Linkedin). Winterford is a graduate of the University of […]
Landscapes for Learning
Landscapes for Learning are educational playsets created by Craig Hill. They offer a wide “range of quality, affordable, outdoor equipment” (Landscapes for Learning). Their products include balance beams, shepherd’s hut, outdoor classrooms, wooden percussion instruments and more. Craig’s objective is to get kids off their screens and outdoors to play.
Bringing the Power of Information Architecture to eLearning
If you have used content management systems before, you may know the power of information architecture and reusing words and content to build guides, templates, instructions, and more. “Paligo is an end-to-end CCMS (Component Content Management System) solution for technical documentation, policies and procedures, knowledge management, and more” (Paligo). In Paligo’s latest newsletter, “What’s New […]
The Final Class
Hello everyone!! My name is Emma, and this is my 10th and final class in my MET journey. It has been quite an adventure full of learning and creativity! During my 2.5 year MET journey I have changed jobs, changed careers, and gotten married. And I’m so excited to learn more about the ventures in […]