Employing essentially limitless web-based storage and services (the “cloud”) to enhance the learning experience, Cloud Learning has the potential to provide unprecedented accessibility, continuity, extensibility and integration. Most analysts believe that humanity’s move from computers to the cloud will be more transformational than our recent move from paper to computers.
Opportunity Statement
While it may seem that most venture opportunities in Cloud Learning are restricted to medium to large organizations, there are actually innumerable opportunities for individuals and smaller organizations to apply emerging cloud-based services and tools in innovative ways across all learning domains. A particularly interesting component of this topic is the emergence of “personal clouds”.
Prediction Source(s)
Educause – Top 10 IT Issues 2013
Gartner – Top 10 Technology Trends 2013
Online Colleges – Tech Trends for 2013
The amorphous cloud is a force to be reckoned with, and the various facets of this topic have deep implications. Privacy, collaboration, file management, sharing and copyright, and the prospect of becoming irretrievably locked in to one cloud provider are just a few topics that come to mind.
For the last 3 years our School Division has tried using Cloud Learning to our students, it was a total failure both practically (it never worked well) and financially,. Just last week, our school division announced that they would be scrapping the idea, you should have heard the cheering, no-one was sad to see it go.
try it