Emerging Markets

Personalized Learning

A dream of educators forever, Personalized Learning is reaching a tipping point in terms of the technologies available for realistic implementations.  This marketplace opens to data-driven evaluation enabling learning experiences that cater to individual students learning styles and needs.

Opportunity Statement

While the venture prospects for Personalized Learning are awesome in the long term, short- and medium-term opportunities will likely need to be highly strategic, leveraging existing platforms, targeting specific audiences, and delivering focused, accountable results.

Prediction Source(s):  

ZDnet – 2011 Top Learning Technologies 


2 thoughts on “Personalized Learning

  1. dchrisman says:

    There is a large push in education currently for differentiated instruction and assessment. With the ever evolving technology at our fingertips, I believe that our possibilities to differentiate are greater than ever. Technology alone allows to work with our auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. If we could use technology to engage all these learners and find better ways to assess them, than we would be able to create greater student success.

  2. jasonharbor says:

    Many technologies are available to personalize a learning experience to an individual student’s strengths. From tablets, eReaders, mobile phones, and beyond a student can engage him or herself in the most efficient way possible.

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