
My Intro

Hello all,

My name is Adeel Farooq and this is my 5th MET course. I’m currently teaching high school computers in Monterrey, Mexico at the American School Foundation of Monterrey. My wife and I moved down 7 years ago and haven’t looked back nor have we needed to shovel any snow!

Over the last 3 years our school has been experimenting with a new Learning Management System and 5 – 6 other tools we believe will help our teachers and students. I’m always looking forward to seeing the latest educational technology and feel that this course will open my eyes to a whole new range of options.


7 thoughts on “My Intro

  1. Shaimaa says:

    Welcome Adeel, nice pic. Your kids are so cute 🙂 especially the one on the left who is apparently thinking about a very complicated issue.
    Looking forward to learning from your experience in Mexico.

  2. Hello Adeel,

    We had a class together once. I remember always enjoying reading your posts, so I’m glad to see you are in this course. Actually we live pretty close to each other. I’m in Dallas Texas, where I live with my wife. Monterrey is the closest large Mexican city to us. What do you think of Monterrey… is it worth visiting?


  3. agfarooq says:

    Hi Brendan
    I remember you! I wouldn’t pick Monterrey as my first choice to visit, unless you want the best mountain climbing in the world. There are so many amazing places to visit in this country, you just need to be aware that some places should be avoided.

  4. Kevin Andrews says:

    Hello Adeel,
    Nice to meet you. Currently working on my 4th course – was wondering what type of LMS’s you are working on? Have been tinkering with Moodle at my school.


  5. agfarooq says:

    We use Edu2.0. Its cheap and hosted off site. Its a little more user friendly than Moodle in my opinion. I didn’t mind Moddle, but was happy I had some IT background. I couldn’t imagine some of the other teachers in my school trying to figure it out.

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