
Dogs, Dancing and Chrome books, Oh My!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Colleen and I am taking ETEC 590 concurrently with ETEC 522, my final two MET course. I teach grade 6/7 at a small Catholic Independent school in Prince George, B.C. where I have been for the last 7 years now.  I taught Montessori Early years in both Korea and Turkey before returning to Canada.  I am a newlywed!  I just got married this New Year’s Eve.  I am now a step-mom to two kids, a 13 year old girl and a 10 year old boy.

I had the great opportunity to attend the Google Summit in Edmonton in March and am working with the tech team for my board to improve technology in our schools.  We are looking at the possibilities of using Chrome books in the classrooms. If any of you have any input or experience you could share that would be most appreciated.

I must admit that I am nervous for this Ventures course as I don’t have an idea coming it to it but I am so excited for this last semester and working together.

I have two dogs.  A two year old black Lab named Kyrie and I just (last Friday!) adopted a 10 month old Border Collie named Renny from the SPCA.  I do dog agility in my spare time and am looking forward to getting back to my ballroom dancing club when my MET journey is over.

Me and my hubby

Me and my hubby


7 thoughts on “Dogs, Dancing and Chrome books, Oh My!

  1. Kendra Grant says:

    Hi Colleen,
    Congrats on your marriage, new dog, new kids and completing the course! I’d suggest checking out This is the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto which is a hot bed for new start-ups. The new “wearables” in technology is huge. For more info see
    The Google summit sounds exciting. I haven’t had experience in school with chromebooks but my son uses one. He thinks he should have gotten more power but other than that he likes it. It’s a bit of a shift for people who aren’t used to doing everything in the cloud or don’t use google apps so you’d definitely need to look at that shift with staff.

  2. yy says:

    Hi Colleen,

    Good to see you again!

    Congratulations on your marriage after the hectic term with the projects and your work. I am glad to see your wedding photo! Looking forward to learning with you in the class again.

    p.s. I recently got a Shiba Inu puppy!


  3. ruddy28 says:

    Thanks so much. I will check that link this weekend when I have a little more time.
    I hope to pick your brain on your son’s experience with Chrome books a little later on.

  4. ruddy28 says:

    It was amazing!
    Kind off felt like seeing an iceberg and then peeking under the surface to see just how far down it goes.
    I have a Google Doc with links to all the presentations if you are interested and ever have the time to go through it.

  5. ruddy28 says:

    I know someone here with a Shiba Inu. I will need to see your puppy’s picture. 😉 Name?

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