

Hi everyone,

This is my first course in the MET program and I am excited to get going.  I am a high school teacher in Powell River B.C currently teaching science, however with a background in geography my preferred subject area is social studies.  Outside of regular classes I end up coaching a lot of volleyball and basketball. I also run a digital music club where students use digital media to create original tracks as well as learn how to DJ the school dances.  Both the school district and the local Vancouver Island University campus are turning to education technology to offer a wide range of programs to our rural and isolated students.  I’m hoping to learn more about ventures in learning technologies so I can be informed, critical and involved in my community’s future in education.



4 thoughts on “Hello

  1. Kendra Grant says:

    Hi Brendan! Welcome to the program. I found the most difficult thing in my first course was just organizing myself and figuring out the various blogs, wikis, LMSs and word press sites each course uses. I have learned so much in every course. I’m looking forward to this one!

  2. Greetings Brendan and welcome to the MET. It’s been a pretty fascinating experience for me so far so I hope you enjoy it too! Your music club sounds amazing (I bet the students love it). There could be some entrepreneurial opportunities there perhaps? Looking forward to chatting.


  3. Welcome to the program Brendan!

    I know you will enjoy the program it is a great journey full of great people and learning experiences that really help shape a new technology perspective that is for sure.
    Looking forward to learning with you!
    Chad 🙂

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