
Hello Everyone

Hi All,

My name is Yik Wah Penner and i’m a third year teacher at a small independent school in Richmond, B.C. This will be my 2nd MET course, so i’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to all things educational technology. The first course I took this year was the Research Methodologies course, which I found to be quite interesting. That being said, I am also looking forward to all the elective courses we can take and this course in particular interests me.

I don’t know how everyone else feels about the issue, but i’m glad we are using WordPress for this course. I found Blackboard to be rather restrictive and less intuitive, so moving back to formats that i’m more familiar with is a good start.

I look forward to getting to know you all better, and learning along side you this term!

– Yik Wah


3 thoughts on “Hello Everyone

  1. Welcome to the met Yik Wah, the MET is a great program and I’ve heard that this course is really stimulating. I find it interesting using an open platform for learning vs a closed content management system. They have such different features, affordances, and drawbacks. It makes for an interesting conversation. Hope we have a blast exploring ideas this term. 🙂

  2. Anne Winch says:

    Hello, we seem to be on a similar path. I took the Research Methodologies course first as well. This is my second course. It will be interesting to see how this course and platform transpires over the next few weeks.

  3. courtneyoc says:

    Hi Yik Wah,

    Nice to meet you. I was thinking the same thing about WordPress. Having used the system before I found it a lot easier to manoeuvre through at the beginning than my first experience with Blackboard. Then again it’s always good to learn a variety of formats.

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