
Hello from Nidal

Hi everyone. I am looking forward to learn something new here. I come form an IT background and I am building my own LMS software

I wish to use all the knowledge I gain in this program to improve the e-learning offering within my software


3 thoughts on “Hello from Nidal

  1. Welcome Nidal. Thanks for the link, your project sounds exciting, and the website looks great too! I’ll look forward to your insights and thoughts here.


  2. leahbio says:

    Hey Nidal,
    Love to hear more of your expertise on your new LMS software, thank you for sharing the link. What audience are you hoping to gear your LMS to?

  3. nidalk says:

    I am focusing on 3-12 grades. Challenges are:

    1. Resistance to change
    2. Cost of devices and wireless infrastructure
    3. Availability of content


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