
Greetings fellow MET colleagues

Greetings everyone!

IMG_4173I am relatively new to the MET program as I began last term but currently have a full course load will working full time.  I’ve been a high-school teacher for many years in Science, French, Math, Biology and ESL and I love teaching them all but deem somewhat of a challenge prep wise.  I’m really interested in how ELLs can adapt to learning technologies through second language acquisition.  I’m originally from out East but have lived in various parts of Europe.  I’m excited to be continuing my MET program journey with you all and learning from one another.  WordPress is a new forum for me, seems quite aesthetically pleasing.  The photo I attached is of the tulip festival in Hope.  I absolutely love gardening and anything outdoors, fishing, hiking and kayaking !  I look forward to continuing and learning from you all.  This course is quite different from the one’s I’ve experienced so far, I am excited but also anxious at learning the business aspects of global learning technologies as it is all brand new to me.


One thought on “Greetings fellow MET colleagues

  1. Hi Leah!

    Greetings to you too! What part of out East are you from? I loved the photo of the tulips. Doing photography outdoors is a passion of mine! I am looking forward to learning from and with you in this course!
    Talk soon!
    Chad 🙂

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