Hi Everyone,
I’m very glad to make everyone’s acquaintance in this course. It promises to be very interesting and I look forward to working with everyone! This will be my 5th MET course; its been a very stimulating experience so far and I don’t doubt that it will continue
I currently work as Learning Technology Program Manager at St.Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. I’ve been working in eLearning for around 14 years in the health care, automotive, and pharmaceutical sectors. By education and interest I am a historian and filmmaker. I am very excited to get to know and work with everyone in this course as it promises to be a tremendous opportunity to learn from the thoughts and experiences of others.
Best Wishes and Good Luck to Everyone
Hi Maxim,
It is nice to see more Torontonians here. I was just at St. Mike’s the other month, and you happen to work there. Great. How do you like your current position and what does it entail? Please don’t feel like you must share, I am just curious as your current job seems neat.