Hello Everyone!
My name is Shaun Pepper and I am a Physical and Health Education Teacher currently teaching in Brazil. I am looking forward to the interactive and live design of this course.
My Interests include learning technology in the area of Physical Education, Health, and Personal Development.
In my spare time, I am working on an application design to allow users to track their nutritional density and vitamin intake.
Looking forward to learning from all of you.
Shaun Pepper
Twitter: Shaunspeptalk
Hi Shaun,
Nice to meet you! I’m really interested in your application design. Is it publicly accessible? Would you also include calorie and exercise tracking?
Hi Leah!
Its still in its infancy we have completed most of the research and now are working put interaction design and wireframes.
We are not looking to add fitness components as we wantto make this app really highlightnutritional density and vitamin intake from food.
Hi Shaun!
How awesome is teaching in Brazil? I would be interested to know some of the differences between our education systems. Is health education a big push there as it is here?