
Katherine’s Introduction

Hello! My name is Katherine Burden. Originally from Nova Scotia, I have spent the last 7 years in Whistler BC. This past fall, I moved 25 minutes north to Pemberton, where I purchased my first home. I have been teaching for 5 years and I currently teach math and science at Whistler Secondary School. I teach all grades between 8-12. Along with this course, I am currently taking ETEC 530, and these will be my 2nd and 3rd MET courses. I am interested in this course because I worked for a software development company before I became a teacher and I enjoy learning about new technology. One of the appeals of the program and specifically this course, was that I would be exposed to new ideas and resources for technology in schools, which will help both my own professional development, but my students as well. I look forward to working with you all!



5 thoughts on “Katherine’s Introduction

  1. ttseng says:

    Hi Katherine,

    Nice meeting you! We visited Pemberton years ago on our way to Prince George, and would love to visit again soon : ) I also teach math courses (grades 10 – 12 online). I love math but unfortunately it’s not a subject embraced by many students – one of my challenges is for students to have a greater appreciation of math through the use of technology. Looking forward to working with you this term! : )

    Tiffany Tseng

  2. Hi Katherine, great to meet you. It sounds like you have a terrific background for the MET, it will be nice to hear your thoughts on learning technologies as we go through the course! : )


  3. Riea Elder says:

    Hi Katherine,

    You seem to be more the norm, moving from NS to the west whereas I did the opposite! You’ve got a great background for this program and am interested in gleaning your technical knowledge in the course 🙂


  4. danielle says:

    Hi Katherine,
    So nice to meet you! I am in Vancouver right now but will be moving to Squamish soon and will try to get on the Sea to Sky School District. Perhaps our paths will cross in the “real world” in the future! How do you like working in Whistler?

  5. KBurden says:

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! Tiffany, Pemberton has really grown in the last few years with more exciting things than just potato vodka! I highly recommend you make a return trip 🙂 Bobbi & Riea, thank you for the vote of confidence – it is really nice to hear as I’m still such a newbi 🙂 And Danielle – yes definitely! I’d be quite interested in meeting up with you offline to chat about the district and the area. Good luck on the move!

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