3 thoughts on “Personal Opportunity Poll

  1. You can leave me a direct email or direct Twitter mail (@dendroglyph) if you have a preference.

    We’re putting together teams very soon. Everyone has until Sunday night to vote, and after that your instructors will collate the votes, select the top 8 emergent markets for class study, and then we’ll assign students to teams.


  2. David Vogt says:

    Thanks for asking, Angela –

    For the three (3) emerging markets that are most opportunistic for you personally, you are meant to briefly review those three posts directly in the Emerging Markets Forum (ie: respond to the “What do you think of this article?” prompt. below the description).



  3. chrward says:

    I did what David Vogt directed in response to this query. So each emerging market will have a list of interested people associated with it by virtue of the comments posted. I’m going back to edit my comments to clearly indicate why I posted them – just to make sure they are not confused with postings made for some other reason.

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