I would just like to clarify these assignments. If I understand correctly, these are very similar assignments except that assignment number one is done with an existing venture and assignment number two with our own original venture. Is this correct?
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Yes, you’re close. Assignment 1 asks for an analysis of an existing educational venture.
Assignment 3 is creative task, asking you to pitch and describe a venture of your own, either entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial.
David Vogt will likely say more…
Thanks David. The products will be very similar though, correct?
Not necessarily. DavidV can say more, but many students do A1 like a paper.
A3 often ends up being a video pitch, a slide deck and sometimes a biz plan.
Hi Angela –
I think this week and next you’ll discover that the products for A1 and A3 need to be quite different. They will both refer to the same logical framework of venture viability, but their purpose and expression are dramatically dissimilar. It is analogous to how the products of a movie critic and a movie director are related but completely unalike.
It will become clearer. Hope this helps,
It is becoming more clear now. I was at first confused why one was an analysis and the other a pitch, but both were aimed at the same audience. I think that I can see the distinction now. Thanks!