
NMC Horizon Report 2014 K-12 Edition Review

The New Media Consortium Report (Preview) is a short overview of projections inside the Educational Technology space. I will comment on it based on three basic questions What?, So What?, Now What?.


It is split into 3 topics that provide examples that progress in time or complexity:
  1. Key Trends accelerating Ed Tech adoption (0-2 years, 3-5 years, and 5+ years)
  2. Significant Challenges Impeding Ed Tech Adoption (Solvable challenges, difficult challenges, wicked challenges)
  3. Important Developments in Technology for K-12 Education( 0-2 years, 3-5 years, and 5+ years.)
So What

I have decided to comment on its value based on two audiences of interest,  “The Entrepreneur” and “The Educator”

The Entrepreneur- This report allows you to get a snapshot of what the market might look like for the next 0-5 years. If you want to start a venture or you are already in a venture, this is a very good place to start to address problems that your service or product could solve and the climate you might find yourself in while you solve them.

The Educator- This report gives you insight into your classroom/school and what the classroom and the demands of those classroom will look like. After reading this, you can have informed ongoing conversations with curriculum developers, teachers, principals, and educational technologists on how to best accommodate the changing space of learning and ensuring that all players are supported in Ed Tech adoption.
Now What
I think that this report would be worthwhile resource to have and refer to because of its brevity and ease of reading. I would definitely consider subscribing to this publication would suggest this reading to others interested in Ed Tech. I understand that this is currently a preview, but if it is going to be longer, I would suggest that there is an additional info graphic that displays the information as it is currently. Short and too the point.

One thought on “NMC Horizon Report 2014 K-12 Edition Review

  1. Thanks Shaun. Liked the way you separated the target audiences. That’s EVA thinking in action.

    No subscription necessary. NMC’s Horizon Report is both free and openly licensed (CC-BY). The best combo for most educators.


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