Pitch Pool

Finance For Life Pitch Analysis

NO, I would not invest in this venture.

Based on the short pitch I would not invest in this venture. Here is a short summary of what I found in the pitch, broken down into categories discussed in this week’s course content and readings:

Finance for life

As you can see a number of key areas were not addressed in the pitch. Furthermore, it is unclear if the perceived pain point is shared among others or if it is a pain point perceived solely by the product developer. The pitch would be stronger if he addressed ideas such as increased student motivation and performance rather than filling apparent gaps in the curriculum.

I was also confused by his description of the product as a learning management system that covers business, finance and economics. The term learning management system invokes something along the lines of Blackboard, a tool used to deliver and support courses. It is unclear if the product is a packaged course or something else.


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