Question and Answer

Okay to post a pitch that’s gotten mixed reviews?

Hi David V. and David P.,

I’m wondering if its okay to post in the “pitch pool” this week, a televised pitch, something that has gotten a mixed VC pitch review? I tried to find a clip of a video that I could shorten to chop off the pitch review portion but can’t find it in a format that I’m able to shorten/crop. On the other hand, it received quite mixed VC reviews which were not entirely based on educational merit, and thought it might prompt interesting analysis?

Please let me know if the video is appropriate given that I can’t chop the reviews at the end. The video is located here:


Bobbi : )


2 thoughts on “Okay to post a pitch that’s gotten mixed reviews?

  1. David Vogt says:

    Very cool…Thanks!

    I think it would be a good contender in the Pitch Pool. I’m mixed on whether VC reviews add value or not. After all, VCs are just people too, and make mistakes barely less often than the rest of us, if less, so any 522 EVA who is unduly swayed by a professional VC’s opinion should be careful. All you need to do is watch a show like Dragon’s Den to understand that VC’s have no magic formula or omniscience to their advantage.


  2. Bobbi K says:

    Great, thanks for the feedback David. I’ll post it in the pitch pool for sure.

    I actually found the VC discussion interesting and helpful. It reminded me a lot of the pitch critique sessions following design presentations at ECU, as we had to get up in front of peers and industry during product development and pitch/defend our own rationale prior to and during the design process. The motivations were different though, as the merit was judged perhaps more on fostering creativity and unorthodox process/innovation, and less on venture feasibility (which maybe it should have been focused equally on). This is certainly going to be a very helpful class for me to learn about business perspectives. 🙂

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