Pitch Pool


[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9FGE7H4edM[/youtube]Yes, I would invest in this venture called ReadWithMe. This app is one of the easiest, most customizable assessment platform for monitoring oral reading progress on any web device.

Description: ReadWithMe is a mobile application developed by teachers that makes student reading fluency assessments easier to administer.  New reading assessments are easy to launch and can be customized according to the teachers need. Reports can be shared with other teacher and parents via e-mail. When using with the IPad, student reading can also be recorded which can offer a great opportunity to give feedback to students and moreover teacher can play them later to complete the evaluation.

The ReadWithMe app allows teachers to administer reading assessment of a single student or to monitor entire classroom.  It is a customizable platform that allows teachers to add their own passages. Furthermore this app has a huge library of passages which are grade level appropriate ranked by Lexile score and comes with comprehension questions with every passage. Grade level benchmark are levelled according to the national fluency norms which makes easier to see and support to students who need intervention.

Students love to use this app as it uses a touch technology and gives them a freedom to record their own reading. Many find the process of recording themselves to be intrinsically appealing, and some enjoy comparing “then” and “now” recordings to document their own progress.

Additional Features:

  • This app allows either online or offline use, and can be used with one or two Ipads.
  • Teacher can use this App on any web device using one or two paired devices.
  • Fast and accurate calculations of words per minute read, number of errors
  • Audio recordings of student performance in its offline mode, and video recordings in the online mode.
  • Bundled assessments for quick administration

 Affordable:  The cost of this app is$4.99 which allows users free access to the online site, and together they form a powerful tool for assessing young readers.
