Hi David V. and David P.
This might be a silly question, but would it be possible for groups presenting their A2 and A1 practically at the same time to have a one week extension on A1?
With both being 25% of our grade each, it perhaps puts a bit of an unfair crunch on the groups that go first. It’s just a thought and I might be completely out-to-lunch on this, but I’ve never had two assignments of equal weight due almost on top of each other in the same class. These assignments are a major learning curve…particularly for those enrolled in more than one class.
Thanks in advance for your help on this.
I think this might be the case with Week06 group as well?
Oh Thank you for asking that Bobbi!
I was wondering how I was going to get through all these assignments I have in both my classes while finishing the year, field trips, writing report cards and graduating my Gr. 7’s.
Here’s hoping
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the crunch factor. And I hadn’t thought of the overlap with end-of-term marking, as we don’t usually to a May-August run for 522.
I think an extra week for A1 is reasonable, but I will offer it across-the-board just so that no other factors contribute to any unfairness. I will make an announcement to this effect.
Thanks as we felt the crunch in week 12 as well.
This is much appreciated, David!
Hi David and David,
In Week 12 we are in the same boat – hosting the week while we also have to have our final assignment complete. Any thoughts?
I’d get started on it as soon as you can, the first few groups technically had many weeks less to work on their A2 than many of the other groups. Week 5 only really had 2-3 weeks, week 6 only 3-4. Our (week 7) group technically had 4-5. This is the only assignment that isn’t necessarily “fair” in that regard because all groups don’t get the same amount of time to complete it (I felt bad for the first and second groups as the extra week really made all the difference for ours). If you are presenting in week 12 you potentially have/had 9-10 weeks to budget time. It is definitely a big crunch no matter where you’re scheduled though, since the assignments are fairly evenly spaced. You still have a few weeks to budget your time (similar to the early groups timelines) if you haven’t gotten a chance to get started yet. Perhaps keep chipping away at it through the next few weeks and possibly set a schedule to get it done before the last assignment? This could help you fair better? Angela made a really terrific schedule for our group and it kept us on track weekly in conjunction with all of the other activities, comments, and assignments (and classes).
Our group also tried to schedule our completion date one week before the other assignment was due to help ease the burden. There was certainly some overflow, and two weeks would have been much better but there simply weren’t more weeks for us to budge more time. I think it might be quite helpful for later weeks to take advantage of this opportunity. As far as monitoring discussion, I wouldn’t worry about that too much as it appears to be a lot less work than completing the weekly activities (group members are already familiar with the material, depending on the nature of your activities of course). As a group of six (do you have a group of six?) each person could potentially take one day each to monitor discussion (or two days) to help ensure that no one person is over burdened. I’m sure the first two groups might have some better tips and insights to share also! : )
Oh I also forgot to mention that some of us are already collecting our folio items for the final participation turn in (as we go along) so that this task is easier also!