Question and Answer

W07: Review

Hi Team W07,
First, I was struck by the look and feel of your site. It is clean, polished and easy to navigate. I have an interest in coding, having tried my hand at several tools, so I really enjoyed the variety of activities. Activity 3 that takes a look at the opportunity horizons of various applications is very useful. I appreciate the wide selection of applications and know that I will be revisiting your site to explore further. Thanks for putting the OER together and for taking the time to respond to each comment posted. Great job!


One thought on “W07: Review

  1. Bobbi K says:

    Thanks for letting us know that we did okay Kirsten. It was amazing fun to see the explosion in comments and to read everyone’s thoughts and ideas. We had no idea it would go off so well, but are very glad that it did. Thanks again for you contributions! We did integrate the Mozilla Web Maker suite into our final rendition! (We made a copy of the site where we put most of the updates)

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