
Hi Everyone!!

Hi everyone, My name is Jason Harbor and this is course #4 in my MET journey.

I am currently in my 8th year of teaching in a small (250 students from K-12) rural school in Porcupine Plain, SK, teaching senior level math, science and accounting.

I have been involved with my school division’s e-learning program for 6 years, teaching math through Moodle.  I have started to step away from Moodle this year, moving into Schoology and Facebook as my content delivery systems.

I am the leader of the technology committee in my school and we are constantly looking for ways to improve student learning through technology.  In fact, last year we managed to implement e-portfolios for all of our students using Google Sites.

On a personal note, I am a football referee, having refereed various provincial football games.  As well, my wife and I are expecting our first child at the end of November.  I look forward to meeting and learning with all of you.  Have a wonderful semester!

The images above are me… in real life and if I were a Simpson’s character, can you tell which is which?


8 thoughts on “Hi Everyone!!

  1. Rocky Lam says:

    That sounds awesome! Let me know how your Google drive for e-portoflio works, we started team planning with Google Docs this year. Out of curiosity, why did you move away from Moodle, your team wanted to explore other options?

  2. jasonharbor says:

    Hi Rocky, the team is still using Moodle but I have broken away somewhat and am experimenting with Schoology.
    I wanted a product that was more mobile-friendly and less tied to a computer.
    Moodle has no native app for any mobile, while Schoology has apps for iPhone, Android and Kindle.

  3. Hi Jason. Great to meet you! My dad is from Saskatoon, SK so I have a little prairie connection. I’ll ask him if he has every been to Porcupine Plain next time I talk to him haha.
    Welcome to the course!

  4. David Jackson says:

    Sounds you’re experienced where I am heading. Moodle is my choice at present, but I’m interested in getting a handle on teacher instructional image/data storage for easy and timely access. I have set up my own Moodle implementation, but haven’t done much with it.

  5. dmp6 says:

    Hi Jason, welcome and nice to meet you. I look forward to learning with you this term. Schoology something to look into. Dale

  6. jetz66 says:

    Nice to meet you! I too made the move from Edmodo to Schoology last year and I haven’t looked back! I look forward to sharing with you this term! Best of luck!

  7. Kevin Andrews says:

    Hi Jason,
    Nice to meet you – very interested in your experience with Google Docs and if you had discussed with your committee any of the privacy obligations related to FIPPA and how you dealt with the notion of storing student’s data on servers outside of the country? Have been looking to Google Docs for our school as well. Congrats on the new baby in November.


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