Hello All!
I’m very glad to be taking this course with you all. I am currently teaching Integrated Arts in an elementary school, here in Montreal. Unfortunately, I do not have access to much technology, my computer is not even up and running in my classroom yet, oh the joys! The students can be tough, but I like the challenge. I’m enjoying it, but it is exhausting! This is my final course on my journey through the MET program. I am excited to be finishing up, and promised myself I would make the trek to Vancouver to pick up my diploma (hopefully all goes well!).
I look forward to working and learning alongside you!
Milena 🙂
Congrats on almost being done! I know it can be tough to get technology, at my old school teaching math I found it could be very difficult. Looking forward to getting to know you!
I am jealous that you have almost completed the MET program. Way to go! I have 5 more to go.
Congrats! It is well deserved. I am sure that looking back at the end of this term you will have a lot of very fond memories! Best of luck at the end of your MET journey!
Also, I look forward to working with you again!!!
Hi Melena,
I know how frustrating it can be to be in the dark ages in your class even though you are interested and capable with technology. Fingers crossed that you get it set up soon! -Amber
Hi Milena. Nice to be learning with you. Congrats on being at the end. It must feel great. Lots of success this term.
Hi Milena: Happy to be working with you again. I think we were in 520 together last term. I’m pretty jealous of your being at the end. Do you have to wait until next spring to cross the stage? I’m sure you won’t be waiting that long to celebrate!!! Congrats, Diane
Hi Milena,
What exactly are the “integrated arts”?
Hello from just a short skip north, Milena! Over the summer I moved from BC to la Belle Province – well, the OTHER belle province, anyways 😉 Are you a native Quebeccer?
Felecitations sur être prèsque de fini!
Hi Milena, congratulations on this being your last MET course, one day I hope that will be me too 🙂 What is Integrated Arts exactly?
Thank you all for the thoughtful comments, it does feel great having reached the end, an accomplishment for sure! You are all on your way!!!
Hi M-A,
Integrated arts is a mix of different subjects. I’ve been given quite a bit of freedom. I teach movement (dance/yoga), creative arts (drawing/painting) and drama. The students enjoy the variety!
Hello Nicola!
Where are you situated exactly?
I am a native Quebecer. Born and raised in Montreal. Are you originally from BC?
Hi Brendan,
Intergrated Arts are a mix of different ‘arts’…I’m teaching a bit of everything, movement (dance/yoga), creative arts (drawing/painting) and drama.
I think we did! Nice to ‘see’ you again!
I do have to wait until next spring, but yes celebrations will start way before that 😛
Thanks Dale, looking forward to working with you!
It is quite frustrating, especially when you are used to working with technology in the classroom and then suddenly you have none! Thanks Amber.
Thanks so much! Looking forward to learning with you!
Time flies! Your next 5 courses will fly by, and in the end it will all be well worth it!
Teaching without technology is a challenge when you are used to teaching with it, I agree!