A1: Measuring the Success of a MOOC
Originally by sarah jones on June 23, 2018 For my A1 topic, I choose Kadenze, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that has not been around as long as other notable MOOC providers like Coursera and Udacity. I created a videocast using the TouchCast Studio ipad app. All media and text in the video is […]
A1: Mobile Crowd Sensing
originally posted by cbrumwell on February 17, 2016 Crowdsourcing information is not is not a new idea. The Christmas Bird Count – an annual mid-winter migratory bird census – dates back to 1900 and boasts tens of thousands of contributors. Collecting initiatives go by many names, like: Participatory Sensing, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Citizen Science […]
SketchBook: Fine Arts STEM and STEAM
Originally posted By michael cebuliak on June 10, 2018 I wish that my choice of app be considered in amongst a myriad of other mobile apps for artists, or those that wish to foster the development of creativity. SketchBook is a rather robust app that lets one play around with brushes, canvases, perspective, layers, filters… It’s pretty […]
Mobile technology is warping our memories…
Originally posted By vivien kamhoua on June 10, 2018 … How sustainable are the cognitive changes that mobile technology is bringing into education? With mobile devises, the need and pressure to memorise information is fading. Instead of memorising information, learners tend to retain how they can retrieve these information by storing them, or creating a secure path […]
Podcasts for Formal Education
By Tanya on June 24, 2018 For my Analytical Publishing Project I am focusing on using podcasts in formal education. To share this information with you I have gone meta and developed a podcast to give you this information, which includes their relevance to the mobile world, research on benefits and drawbacks, some snippets of interviews with an […]
Supporting dyslexic learners through mobile
Originally posted by allison burnett on January 27, 2019 Exceptional students in need of individual education plans (IEPs) and accommodations/modifications are a segment that can greatly benefit from mobile technology in education. There are an abundance of educational apps available in the marketplace to support different learning styles and profiles– probably the largest barrier to adoption for […]
Padlet – Collaborative Learning
Padlet is an easy and collaborative way to engage students in discussions, notes, and learning. All students need is the link to the Padlet and they can add text, pictures, comment on others’ work or information. Padlet is an easy to use, accessible on a device or laptop, visually appealing, and has many different uses. There […]
A3: Global Virtual Collaboration
Originally posted by Sam Zimmer August 3 2018. Hi all, For my forecasting project, I chose to examine the opportunity for global virtual collaboration among students. Given my own background as a remote worker, and the growing reliance on digital technologies to connect geographically dispersed teams, I felt that this would be a pertinent topic. […]
A3 The Future of Slide Presentations- Nearpod
Originally posted by Stefanie Nitta on August 2018 Hi everybody, I was inspired by the plethora of resources that has been shared in this class, but questioned which one can meet the needs of multiple functions with simplicity and ease. This brought me back to one of my original posts about Nearpod. Though it already […]
Do you know any good apps??
By on September 26, 2013 One of my least favourite questions that I receive as an educational technology consultant is, “Do you know any good apps?” The reason I dislike this question is because I feel it does students a great disservice. Too often I see iPads and the like loaded up with hundreds off […]