Has School Taken Too Much Control

A3 – Has School Taken Too Much Control

Immerse yourself in the future with this news article highlighting yet another time where technology moves so quickly that it develops controversy. This new app, the Geo-Untethered Classroom, gives teachers control over students’ devices. Great for class control, distance education, and monitoring BUT is it an overstep of privacy? Has school taken too much control […]

Navigate the 2020S OERs

Navigate the 2020S OERs

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Overcoming Fear to DIY

Overcoming Fear to DIY

One thing our DIY OER did not touch upon is the hurdles that DIY faces. I really loved the breadth of feelings associated with DIY and wanted to specifically focus on the negative ones. Building on conversations and ideas from the A2 – DIY thread: What are the largest barriers to DIY? How have you […]

A2 – DIY Learning

A2 – DIY Learning

By: Adriana Silvestre, Adrian Granchelli, Meipsy Shackleford, Jane Wu, Jungwhan Cho Welcome to our ‘mobile’ first open education resource on Do-It-Yourself Learning: https://etec-diy.weebly.com/ . This is an informational website that will answer some of the following questions:  What is DIY? Why is it important? How can you DIY?  Our OER, is truly OURS because the interactivities […]

A1 – @_Insta4Education

A1 – @_Insta4Education

Does Instagram have any educational merit? I explored this very question on the platform itself: https://www.instagram.com/_insta4education/ If you want a pdf of the content posted on the @_insta4education page, you can download it here:

A1: Measuring the Success of a MOOC

A1: Measuring the Success of a MOOC

Originally by sarah jones on June 23, 2018 For my A1 topic, I choose Kadenze, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that has not been around as long as other notable MOOC providers like Coursera and Udacity. I created a videocast using the TouchCast Studio ipad app. All media and text in the video is […]

A1: Mobile Crowd Sensing

A1: Mobile Crowd Sensing

originally posted by cbrumwell on February 17, 2016 Crowdsourcing information is not is not a new idea. The Christmas Bird Count – an annual mid-winter migratory bird census – dates back to 1900 and boasts tens of thousands of contributors. Collecting initiatives go by many names, like: Participatory Sensing, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Citizen Science […]

Productivity vs. Play

Productivity vs. Play

Originally posted by Andrew Yeung on May 28, 2018 Mobile culture involves technology giving meaning back to ‘no-where places’ and ‘no-when times’ (Caronia, 2005). Otherwise unmeaningful moments like bus waiting or walking somewhere can be reclaimed, not for informative productivity but often for social connection. Relationships between human and technology can equally be liberating or […]

Future Baby Apps to Designer Babies

Future Baby Apps to Designer Babies

Originally posted by kelly nichols on June 1, 2018 There are a variety of free apps available that state they can determine the facial features of an unborn child simply by using a picture of the prospective parents.  A quick glance at the ratings and reviews and we know that the technology isn’t there yet, […]

A Small Nudge Can Keep Students on Track

We all get distracted at times, especially when there are not people around you who act as role models or have a bigger picture in mind. Teenagers and children have even less self-control and as teachers, you watch them get side-tracked. When there is a long term project, we need to give them reminders along […]