The Cool Cats Project is a partnership between Cool Arts Society and the Okanagan Cat Coalition (OKCC). The project is aimed at increasing awareness about the estimated 18,000 feral cats living in the Central Okanagan. The OKCC assists by spaying and neutering cats, then re-homing or releasing them to live out their lives without perpetuating the overpopulation problem.

Cool Arts artistsĀ have created art, using cats as a theme, in various mediums (painting, clay sculpture) under the mentorship of local artists Lee Claremont, Sharilyn Kuehnel, Sarah Parsons, Potters Addict Ceramic Art Centre, and Rena Warren.

Check out @coolartssociety #coolcatsproject on display now @fccs.ubco FINA Gallery. The Cool Cats Project in partnership with the @okanagancatcoalition is aimed at bringing awareness about the feral cat issue in the Okanagan. Do you think art has a role to play in bringing awareness to important issues? Share your voice. View the exhibit, add your creativity to the collaboative work, take a selfie with your favourite Cool Cat artwork and share your thoughts. #Coolcatsproject #artforchange #coolartssociety #diversabilities #outsiderarts

The project will culminate with the hosting of four public exhibitions of the artwork, (including the FINA gallery here at UBCO), each with an educational element focusing on increasing public awareness of feral cat issues in our community and how the OKCC is working to address these issues.

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