Finance Fundamentals


3. Interest Rates: Effective Annual Rate vs Annual Percentage Rate

Posted by in Module 1: Time Value of Money

What is the quoted annual percentage rate (APR)? What is the effective annual rate (EAR)? What about the effective periodic rate?
How are they all different, and how can they be used to help us evaluate whether the rate is attractive, or even legal?


4. Interest Rates: Effective Period Rates

Posted by in Module 1: Time Value of Money

What are effective period rates? How are they different than the quoted annual percentage rate (APR) and the effective annual rate (EAR)?
Introduction to the effective periodic rate (EPR) formula to convert APRs into EPRs.


5. Perpetuities and Annuities: Deriving the Formulas

Posted by in Module 1: Time Value of Money

What are perpetuities? What are annuities?
Introduction to the present value of perpetuities formula and the present value of annuities formula.
Calculating the present value of perpetuities and annuities in Excel.


6. Annuities Due and Moving Annuities

Posted by in Module 1: Time Value of Money

Annuities continued: What are annuities? What are moving annuities?
Applying the present value of annuities formula and the future value of annuities formula to calculate annuities due and moving annuities.


7. Amortization of Loans: Interest and Fixed Principal

Posted by in Module 1: Time Value of Money

Introduction to loans, the components of a loan, and different types of loans (pure discount loan, interest only loan, fixed principal amortized loans).
How to calculate the remaining balance on a loan? How to amortize a loan over its lifetime?


8. Amortization of Loans: Fixed Payment

Posted by in Module 1: Time Value of Money

What are fixed payment amortized loans, and how are they different from fixed principal amortized loans?
Using an Excel walk-through of an amortization schedule to determine how much of the fixed payment is paid towards the principal, and how much of it is paid towards interest.


9. Relating All the Factors of Present Value

Posted by in Module 1: Time Value of Money

How do interest rates, time, and fixed payments affect present value? What happens to the present value when multiple variables change at the same time?


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