Baseline: Day 1

We left Phnom Penh early this morning and arrived in Prey Veng before lunch. Our task today was to interview women from a village in the district of Svay Antor. We stopped at the home of the village health volunteer to give the enumerators their list of houses to visit for the day, as well as directions.

Working with the village health volunteer to assign pre-selected houses to each enumerator.

The volunteer then took us into the village. where each enumerator managed to get one survey done before lunch, and one after. The goal is to for each enumerator to complete four surveys per day, which should be feasible since we won’t be traveling long distances every morning like we did today. Also, as baseline continues, the surveys will hopefully take less time to complete as the enumerators become more familiar with the questions and corresponding instructions.

Today was also the first time we tried our new and improved 24 hour recall. During the test survey, it was a series of questions incorporated into the survey. Today it was done as a separate event with a different team of enumerators. Bowls, spoons, and cups of varying sizes were purchased before our trip to help women measure their consumption. This turned out to be very helpful, as women could compare their own dishes with the sample ones to give us a better idea of how much they ate in the past 24 hours.

A woman compares her dishes to those provided by the enumerator during the 24 hour recall.

Though it is only 8:30 pm, it’s bedtime. The days are going to be long and hot, and with a 6:30 am departure time, I’m anticipating many early nights. I’ll leave you with the following picture:

A handful of the 20+ cattle that walked by the houses this afternoon.

Watching these cattle being herded down the village road definitely provided my first surreal “where am I?” moment. I’m sure there will be many more to follow.

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