Your textbook and its online version already provide you with some good resources for compositions:
—verb conjugation tables, p. 448-53; the general index on p. 488-90 may also prove useful
—French → English lexicon: p. 454-72
—English → French: p. 473-87
- Oxford-Hachette English-French / French-English dictionary online c/o UBC Library; if you are on a UBC computer/connection, there’s a direct link to Oxford Language Dictionaries
- Lexilogos: French to and from many, many, many languages, including Arabic (arabe), Chinese (chinois), Gujarati (goujarati), Japanese (japonais), Korean (coréen), Persian (perse), Urdu (ourdou):

click image: it also links to, the link opens in a new window
- Linguee: French to and from English, German, Portuguese, Spanish
- WordReference: French to and from English and Spanish (but also several other languages to and from English)
- TV5 Monde has some dictionaries, as well as other things on the French language
- Metametamedieval > Outils utiles (J. O’Brien) has some links that might be useful for you, on French language resources online
The following may be the first things that you think of for finding a word in a foreign language, but they are not dictionaries and are not recommended for beginners: please use an actual dictionary with definitions and examples to check that you have the right meaning of a word—translation is almost never an exact one-to-one mapping—and if using online translation tools, be aware that they are at their least accurate when you put in one single word, and at their most accurate with a long block of text which provides context.
- For many-to-most languages: Google Translate. This also usually includes a sound-file of pronunciation, examples of usage, and phonetic transcription
- (Ditto) For all languages: Baidu, Bing, Google, Yahoo, etc. searches
- more links c/o the Open Directory Project
- is often useful too
- Search the UBC Library catalogue
- Vancouver Public Library catalogue
- The Collins-Robert Senior/Unabridged Engiish-French / French-English dictionary is in Koerner Library reference
- Chinese-French / French-Chinese dictionaries in UBC Libraries
- Chinese-French / French Chinese dictionaries in Vancouver Public Library
- Japanese-French / French-Japanese dictionaries in UBC Libraries
- Korean-French / French-Korean dictionaries in UBC Libraries