- Oxford-Hachette English-French / French-English dictionary online c/o UBC Library; if you are on a UBC computer/connection, there’s a direct link to Oxford Language Dictionaries
- For many-to-most languages: Google Translate. This also usually includes a sound-file of pronunciation, examples of usage, and phonetic transcription
- For all languages: Baidu, Bing, Google, Yahoo, etc. searches; more links c/o the Open Directory Project; is often useful too
- Lexilogos: French to and from many, many, many languages, including Arabic (arabe), Chinese (chinois), Gujarati (goujarati), Japanese (japonais), Korean (coréen), Persian (perse), Urdu (ourdou):
- Linguee: French to and from English, German, Portuguese, Spanish
- WordReference: French to and from English and Spanish (but also several other languages to and from English)
- TV5 Monde has some dictionaries, as well as other things on the French language
- Metametamedieval > Outils utiles (J. O’Brien) has some links that might be useful for you, on French language resources online
- Search the UBC Library catalogue
- Vancouver Public Library catalogue
- The Collins-Robert Senior/Unabridged Engiish-French / French-English dictionary is in Koerner Library reference
- Chinese-French / French-Chinese dictionaries in UBC Libraries
- Chinese-French / French Chinese dictionaries in Vancouver Public Library
- Japanese-French / French-Japanese dictionaries in UBC Libraries
- Korean-French / French-Korean dictionaries in UBC Libraries